Parklee Community Primary School

Positivity, Aspiration, Resilience, Kindness, Loyalty, Empathy, Excellence

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Early Years

INTENT - In the Foundation stage we focus on developing gross and fine motor skills.

IMPLEMENT - At Parklee we use Lancashire’s 5 Fundamental Movement Skills resource to support Foundation teachers in understanding 5 key FMS.

IMPACT - These 5 skills along with opportunities to develop a wider range of physical skills will ensure they are ready for KS1 P. Assessment is carried out using the Early Learning Goals.

Key Stage 1

INTENT - In year 1 is to carry out a baseline of 10 Fundamental Movement Skills as the children enter year 1. From this baseline the teacher can design or adapt their PE curriculum and have a focus on the FMS the children are less proficient in.

IMPLEMENT - during KS1 is we continue to develop the children’s FMS especially their weaker ones and also to teach children how to apply these skills in a context. The children develop their knowledge in using simple tactics in game type activities and creating sequences of movement in gymnastic and dance type activities. This is delivered through the relevant Core Tasks.

IMPACT – At the end of KS1 we test the children’s 10 Fundamental Movement Skills again. This will show the impact on their performance of their FMS and which skills they have Mastered. This information can then be shared with the year 3 teacher. Assessment is completed using PE PASSPORT National Currculum outcomes.

Lower Key Stage 2

INTENT - To develop and begin to master KS1 FMS. In games attacking skills are developed through a range of different sports and activities.  In dance and gymnastics is to develop children’s performance and sequencing skills.

IMPLEMENT –  Games - these will be delivered through uneven sides, i.e., 3V1, 4V2. They will also develop their knowledge of simple attacking tactics, which are transferable across similar categories of games. i.e. (Target, Invasion games, Net/Wall, Target and Striking and Fielding) In dance and gymnastics, all the skills are applied through the relevant Core Tasks which are linked to age expectations.

IMPACT – At the end of LKS2, children will have furthered their application of FMS and will have progressed onto mastering a selection of them through different sporting games and activities.  They will have developed an understanding of attacking tactics through uneven sides games and sequencing and performance skills will be developed through dance and gymnastics. Assessment is comlpeted using PE Passport National Curriculum outcomes.

Upper Key Stage 2

INTENT – In games children will continue to develop attacking skills when they are working as a team and to develop their knowledge of defending strategies. In dance and gymnastics children will develop performance and composing longer sequences of movements with a partner and group.

IMPLEMENT – Games - these will be delivered through modified mini versions from uneven sides to even sides, i.e. 5V3, 5V4, 4V4, 5V5 etc.  The learning the children receive through the different categories of games leads to playing an intra school games competition and for some children moving to inter school competitions. Dance and Gymnastics - All the skills are applied through the relevant Core Tasks, which are linked to age expectations.

IMPACT – At the end of KS2 children will have developed attacking and defending tactics and strategies that can be transferred across multiple sports.  In dance and gymnastics the children will be able to create longer sequences of movements as an individual or as part of a group and be able to provide feedback on their performance and the performances of others. Assessment is completed using PE Passport National Curriculum outcomes.

Look at the tournaments we have been involved in this year with ATSA!

/uploads/411/files/ATSA 2020-2021.pdf

Swimming and Water Safety

Swimming and water safety is an extremely important part of the PE curriculum at Parklee and another way of helping children to lead healthy and active lives. Throughout the academic year, pupils in Y4 attend swimming lessons at Howe Bridge Leisure Centre once a week.

We also provide opportunities, later in the year, for children in Y5&6 who have not met the national curriculum requirements. This ensures that nearly every pupil leaving Parklee can reach the National requirement by the end of Year 6. Pupils are grouped according to their ability and are taught to:

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • Use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Our Swimming Data

Academic Year 2023-24

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? 76% 

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? 78%

What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 76%

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this way? YES 

  • Government guidelines state that by the time children complete primary school they should be able to swim 25 metres.
  • All relevant medical information must be transmitted to school and must be updated throughout the year if required (especially regarding asthma).
  • Swimming costumes must be ASA regulation type. Boys wear trunks , not shorts and girls wear one piece swimsuits, not bikinis.
  • No Jewellery may be worn.
  • If your child has a verruca it is recommended that they are covered by a waterproof sock
  • Hair must be secured off the face at all times by a clip or a band, a bathing cap should be worn.
  • If your child is unable to swim then school should be informed

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Parklee Community Primary School

Wardour Street, Atherton, Manchester M46 0AR

Mrs Dawn Roper - Headteacher

Miss Rebecca Wood – Deputy Headteacher & SENDCO

01942 874203 |

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